Buying a Coach designer handbag is more of an investment than just something to carry your everyday essentials. Styles and fashions change all the time but even though buying a Coach designer handbag might put a hole in your savings account you can rest assured that it will last you a lifetime.
A lot of opinion is that Coach handbags are only for the rich and famous. That is a total misconception because if ever there was a luxury item that everybody wanted, well a Coach handbag is what they will splash their hard earned cash on. Coach handbags are that something special that every style conscious female wants as an accessory.
Coach designer handbags are one of the most coveted luxury items around and as such they have to maintain a certain sense of exclusivity. They are one of the finest examples of American craftsmanship within the industry. Their background, history and attention to the finest detail make them stand out from the rest of the designer handbags available today.
Coach handbags are released in collections that feature new shapes, styles, materials and very traditional classic designs. All the various Coach styles (handbags, totes, purses, wallets etc) and provide the ultimate comfort and convenience for their owners due to the fact that they are manufactured to the highest standards possible.
The high quality and durability of a Coach designer handbag continually puts pressure of the Coach brand to consistently come up with new styles on a regular basis because women like to keep changing their handbags/purses every couple of years for the latest models available. Even though the older styles are still in such great shape.
Some of the more popular Coach handbags are Coach Hobo, Coach Scribble, Coach Madison, Coach Poppy, and the classic Coach Signature handbags. To mention but a few!
Coach is a like entering handbag heaven for any women who loves style. With so many styles and designs and to choose from, you are certain to find at least on maybe even two or three that will match every occasion or outfit you want them for. There are so many different styles and designs it can be almost impossible to choose the right one.
Withstanding such exclusivity they are still extremely popular and when this happens it attracts fake copies. This is one of the major concerns with someone wanting to purchase a Coach designer handbag. You have to certain that you are buying a genuine Coach handbag and not a fake one.
Some of these fake Coach handbags are so good that it is getting pretty difficult to realise that they are not authentic. The first real clue of their authenticity is the price. Do not be fooled by what you think is an absolute bargain offer. You have to remember that you only get what you paid for and more often than not a cheap price will mean a cheap fake. So be very careful!
So if it the genuine thing you are looking for well here is a few tips on where to find them. You are never going to find a cheap Coach handbag at any of the at their retail stores. Ok, you might come across some coupon offers but it is more than likely that you will have to pay full price
I would not recommend using online website like eBay because it is this type of website where it is pretty easy to end up buying a fake. Do not get me wrong there is genuine Coach designer handbags sold on eBay but what I am saying is be careful. I can honestly say that some of the fake items sold on eBay are very hard to differentiate from an authentic one.
I have to say though eBay auctions are great for picking genuine Coach handbags off people who have decided to sell on their handbag for one reason or another. But still check the authenticity before parting with your money. It is easy to ask questions of the seller and specifically ask for the Coach serial number. If it is genuine then they should be able to supply the information you need.
For some time now Coach has been recording the serial numbers of their handbags, especially their newer styles. If you feel there is any doubt about authenticity then just give Coach Customer Services a ring and they will tell if it is an authentic Coach handbag or not. If it is one of the older styles then you will have to take the seller at good faith but you can still check with Coach once you have the handbag. It would be a good idea to tell the seller what you are doing up front and gauge their reaction first
Of all the online ways of purchasing Coach designer handbags I have found Amazon to be one of the better ways to shop for Coach designer handbags. You can still pick up a bargain and be reassured that it will be an authentic Coach handbag. Also there is any doubt about the quality of your purchase there is a no quibble return policy.
Owning a Coach designer handbag is every fashion conscious ladies dream. So ladies do not get too upset if you think you cannot afford that dream handbag because there is every possibility that you can. I mean purchasing your Coach handbag is not that impossible. Just take a look around this website and if anything takes your fancy, and is within your budget, then go for it.
It is every ladies dream to own a Coach designer handbag. Whether it is one of the Coach handbags, purses or totes you know you are buying ultimate quality.
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I like all your recommendations but I love to carry my blue colored Tote bag while I go out for shopping. This bag is my favorite one from the collection of Coach Tote Bags.