Curing Acne - The Many Steps Involved

Fundamental to tackling a disease is to understand its causes. In curing acne as well, it is important to understand why it occurs in the first place. Acne is a term that includes many kinds of skin conditions, such as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts. It is caused because the pores are clogged with dead skin cells or due to the excessive production of the sebum the skin manufactures to keep itself supple and moisturized.
The ideal condition is that the sebum produced by the skin travels along the hair shaft from the follicle to the skin surface. When this travel is slowed due to a variety of factors, or when the sebum hardens, a block is formed at the pore and an infection occurs at the follicle where the clog forms. In curing acne, it is important that this process is understood and the factors that create the optimal condition for acne formation are reduced.
It is important to keep skin clean, remove dead, dry skin and prevent excessive sebum formation, so that it does its job of keeping skin supple, but does not create a problem at the follicles. Most outbreaks are commonly treated with benzoyl peroxide and this is considered one of the best means of curing acne that affects the skin surface. The bacteria causing the pimples on the surface can be killed by the treatment and this clears the skin.
Stronger Methods for Bigger Problems
Cysts can also form under the skin's surface, the root of the cyst being at the same level as the hair root. This is referred to as cystic acne and the pustule on the surface can be up to 5mm in diameter. Squeezing such cysts only makes the condition worse. Since the acne is deeply embedded in the skin in these cases, the more typical treatments used in curing acne such as topical creams and solutions have little effect in curing cystic acne.
There are other antibiotic medications available at drug stores that can be used in curing acne. These are especially relevant to cystic acne. The best treatments in curing acne of this sort is to keep the surface of the skin clean with a mild cleanser and light rubbing, though not squeezing. As mentioned before, squeezing will only exacerbate a situation that will automatically clear up in a couple of weeks. If interfered with, the cysts can take much longer to disappear and accompanied with much pain.
Precautionary measures are always important, and several over the counter remedies are available to help in curing acne when it does appear. When the infection is more tenacious, however, it is wise to consult a dermatologist who can recognize the exact nature of acne and suggest methods that would be helpful in curing acne.
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You will find Reviews of the Best Acne Treatments Available.
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