Basic Tips For Taking Care of Skin

Human's beauty depends on condition of his/her skin. Since beauty is one kind of qualification and human is fan of beauty so every body should take care of his/her skin. You should care about your skin to be healthy and fit.
Procedure of taking care of your skin totally depends on your skin type: oily, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged, normal or combination.

Basically in 4 steps you can take care of your skin.

Step 1: Cleansing

Fist of all you have to find the proper cleanser which is suitable for you. You can find it at the cosmetic shop or at the drugstore. For oily skin choose clear cleanser and for dry skin choose creamy cleanser. If possible then avoid bar soaps because skin is dried out by it.

You should do washing your face at night. Be careful, don't cleanse too often. For dry skin it is better to use cold cream after each washing. Most women favor the water method: Use lukewarm water to loosen grime and stopped up pores.
At morning, use some lukewarm water to remove excess oils which was created from nightly moisturizing. Never ever wash your face using cold or hot water. Also be careful on over-cleansing skin.

Step 2: Exfoliate

Exfoliation is a step which keeps your skin in good condition. Every body should exfoliate at least once in a week. There are many ways to exfoliate skin like chemical peels, microdermabrasion and retinoids.

If you are a very busy person then you can use chemical peel because it takes little time to make your face smooth and beautiful.

Scrub works by eliminating the dead cells at top layer of skin that have a tendency to dull your facial appearance. Exfoliating skin using microdermabrasion kits once a week, keeps your skin shining year-round. Be careful about using the cheap scrubs, it can scratch skin and cause more spoils than good.

Retinoids which also work by eliminating the dead cells at top layer of skin while also producing collagen in the skin.

Step 3: Moisturize

Everyone should moisturize his/her face, no matter what his/her skin type is. But if you have acne then you should not use moisturizing. How much should use moisturizing depends on your skin type. When your skin is become tight by dry weather, you should moisturize. But always be awake not to over-moisturize it can clog up pores. The skin around the eye holds no fatty tissue and is hence very thin and vulnerable to wrinkles, so you may use eye moisturizing cream.

Step 4: Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most important part of once skincare treatment.

The very important cause of wrinkles is sun damage, so every body should use sunscreen in whole year. It is better if you use two moisturizers: One for day that containing UV safeguard and one for night. Don't use sunscreen together with moisturizers at night.

Moreover you have to keep in mind the following important tips for smooth and clear and beautiful skin.

- Avoid bar soaps because skin is dried out by it and hence causes early wrinkles and spots. Use the natural cleansers that include vitamin A, E and C for the best outcomes.
- Use sunscreen on your face that will remove the fine lines and wrinkles.
- Quit smoking- this is one of the most important skincare treatment.
- Drink sufficient water-It is the easier way to keep your skin smooth and supple.

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